What do we want to do with your help?
We set out to plant as many meters, or hopefully kilometers, of new protective forest belts in the south of the country.
Adopt one or more meters of forest belt, and we will plant them for you!
One meter from a forest protection belt measures at least 7 trees in width, and the length is determined by the objective it protects – a road, a school or an entire locality. Therefore, we suggest you donate 70 lei, the amount with which we plant and care for the seven trees in a meter of forest belt.
You can follow step by step the process by which we plant trees to create new forest protection belts or rehabilitate degraded land in the south of the country by following our website or our Facebook page.

Why forest belts?
Forest belts are strips of forest, located around an objective (road, locality, agricultural land), which protects it from various factors that threaten it (strong winds, blizzards and snow, droughts and extreme temperatures). The benefits of forest belts include better air quality, a more balanced rainfall and temperature regime, higher soil fertility and more attractive landscapes. The economic benefits consist of increased agricultural production, reduced costs for snow removal of roads and localities, reduced or avoided damage caused by floods.