Location: Giubega commune, Dolj county
Project start: autumn 2022
Total area: 5.78 ha
Planted area: 0.78 ha
Objective: establishment of an amelioration perimeter for the rehabilitation of a desertified land.
Planted species: acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia), willow (Elaeagnus angustifolia) and honey locust.
Massive Status: Fall 2028 (estimated)
Current project status: Ongoing
Partner: OMV Petrom
Motivation for planting the forest canopy:
Giubega commune is located in the south of Dolj county, an area severely affected by the phenomenon of desertification and soil degradation. It is an area with frequent extreme weather events that affect crops and erode the soil. The forest we plant with the help of the local community will regenerate the soil, create a biodiverse microclimate, attract rainfall and reduce wind power and storm intensity.
Last work done: January 2023 – planting with people in the community