
Contact data

Email: [email protected]
Address: 92 Vulturilor Street , Sector 3,
Bucharest, postal code 030857.

„Adoptă un copac” is a ViitorPlus project, which contributes to the increase of the forested area in the south of Romania, in predominantly rural areas, with forest deficit. We mainly grow protective forest belts, which bring both the benefits generated by the forest itself, but also have the advantage of protecting roads and increasing the productivity of agricultural land.

ViitorPlus – the association for sustainable development is a local NGO with 14 years of experience in projects involving: social entrepreneurship, environmental education, environmental volunteering and environmental infrastructure.

Contact form

Billing data

ViitorPlus – asociaţia pentru dezvoltare durabilă
Înregistrată sub nr. 10134/14.10.2016 la Judecătoria sector 2

CIF: 18654032
Sediu social: Str. Ronda, nr. 24, mansarda, cam.2, mun.Bucuresti, sector 2
Cont Lei: RO68INGB 0000 9999 0238 0164, ING – Sucursala Ștefan cel Mare – Polonă
Cont Euro: RO44INGB0000999904632742,  ING – Sucursala Ștefan cel Mare – Polonă

Every contribution helps! Only 10 RON ensures the planting and care of a tree for 5 years days.

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